

User manuals / product sheets

Here you can download the user manuals for our products.

D100  PDF (46 kB)
D200  PDF (287 kB)
D230  PDF (44 kB)
D240X  PDF (326 kB)
D500X  PDF (v2.3.8 Mk I) (1611 kB) PDF (V2.3.8 Mk II) (774 kB) PDF (v2.4.5 Mk I) (1612 kB) PDF (v2.4.5 Mk II) (776 kB)
D980  PDF (1496 kB)
D1000X  PDF (v1.0.4) (533 kB)  PDF (v2.0.0) (929 kB) PDF (v3.0.0) (803 kB)
M500 PDF (40 kB)
M500-384 PDF (34 kB)
u256 PDF (Micro-B) (131 kB) PDF (C) (147 kB)
u384 PDF (Micro-B) (131 kB) PDF (C) (147 kB)
L60 PDF (130 kB)
L400 PDF (161 kB)
T10 PDF (401 kB)
BatSound PDF (v4.40) (1027 kB) PDF (v4.77) (1301 kB)
PDF (v1.3.7) (1111 kB)

Utility software

The D500X and D1000X Utility software are Windows programs to facilitate the use of the CF cards with
the detectors.

Download: D500X Utility program (2050 kB)

Download: D1000X Utility program (for D1000X FW version 1.x.x) (1607 kB)

Download: D1000X Utility program (for D1000X FW version 2.x.x, Windows 7) (2059 kB)

Download: D1000X Utility program (for D1000X FW version 2.x.x, Windows 8 and 10) (1981 kB)

Disclaimer: This software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Pettersson Elekronik be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like), whether foreseeable or unforseeable, arising out of the use or inability to use the software, regardless of the basis of the claim and even if Pettersson Elektronik has been advised of the possibility of such damages.